Dear Spotlight Readers,
Your Coconut Grove Spotlight is being reborn. After many months of planning by a dedicated group of journalists and community leaders, Coconut Grove can proudly boast of an increasing rarity among communities nationwide — A professional newsroom of its own.
The Spotlight is now owned and operated by Miami News Trust, a nonprofit created to deliver professional, independent news coverage focused on Coconut Grove, Miami City Hall, and neighboring communities.
As before, we will not charge for what we do. We believe that access to timely news, accurate information, and tough but fair reporting are bedrock requirements of any flourishing democracy.
Whether you’re a regular reader of the Spotlight or just an occasional one, we hope you’ll take a moment to look closely at the changes we’ve made. As we add features and expand our news reporting, we want to hear from you. As a free subscriber, you’ll receive a weekly email highlighting the stories our reporters have been working on. You can also visit our new mobile-friendly website (coconutgrovespotlight.com) for our latest news reports and all archived content. Please take a look and let us know what you think. You can email us at [email protected].
Your ongoing support will help fulfill our mission. Thanks. Like similar all-digital news sites around the country, the Spotlight will be funded largely by the community it serves — through individual donations, sponsorships, and advertisements. There’s really no other way.
Thanks for your guidance and continuing support. We certainly hope you will share in our excitement as we launch the Coconut Grove Spotlight into its next phase of service to our community.
Local matters.
Hank Sanchez-Resnik
Elena Carpenter
Ruth Ewing
Marlene Erven
Marcelo Fernandes
Don Finefrock
Tucker Gibbs
Amanda Harford
Chuck Strouse
Patrick Farrell
Dave Villano
Mel Meinhardt