Government, News

Funding Approved for Armbrister Park’s New Community Center

The long-awaited upgrade opens new opportunities for sports, education, and cultural events in Coconut Grove.

The existing center, on Grand Avenue near U.S. 1, will be demolished to make way for a two-story, 10,000-square-foot multi-use building. (Noah Gulley for the Spotlight.)

One Comment

  1. This is very good news but with this caveat: Gentrification– if it continues unabated– will mean few or none of Esther Mae Armbrister’s descendants will be using these great new facilities ten years from now. The same for the new Virrick Park swimming pool. Why did it take so long to get these long-desired improvements? For whom are they being built for now? Time will tell if the City of Miami is finally in earnest in helping Miami’s oldest African-American community survive by such things as: stabilizing and supporting existing lower-income homeownership, funding community land trusts, possibly allowing ADU “Granny Flats”, enforcing the architectural guidelines of the existing Neighborhood Conservation District NCD2, funding Mom & Pop loans/grants for neighborhood businesses, building a parking garage near the corner of Grand & Douglas, re-opening and supporting the Barnyard School. The list is long of things that could have been done already. It’s a choice: Many more large new homes and duplexes along with high-rise rental apartments for newcomers, or, a comprehensive, funded and implemented plan for all Little Bahamas residents, both new and existing..

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