News Briefs, Government, Politics

Town Hall Meeting to Discuss Tree Ordinance Changes Friday December 6 at 4 p.m. at City Hall

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  1. This proposal to make the City’s Chapter 17 (Tree Preservation) more like the County’s is a strange one, even for the Magic City. At PZAB this past week, when asked why the change, the staff “presenter” said “to expedite permitting.” When asked which trees are protected now and won’t be if the change is made, he said specimen trees (‘like oaks”) will continue to require permits for removal, but “unprotected” trees can be removed without any permit required, including mangos, avocados, and “some ficus.” Well, that’s a lot of the Grove’s tree canopy. Nonetheless PZAB voted 5-3 to follow staff’s recommendation to approve the change.
    I tuned into this past week’s HEPB meeting, and the board members there were also perplexed. “Why wasn’t this presented to us for discussion?” Answer: “It’s not required to be.” Then another question; “Who drafted it?” Answer: “The Building Department.”
    Then, “What can this Board do to require it to be brought before us as we think it should have been?” Answer: “You can’t. It’s not within your purview.” In the end, HEPB passed a resolution asking the City Commission to delay doing anything until the change could be thoroughly studied. Sounds reasonable, eh?
    My personal take on this is that the City has been receiving complaints from developers that dealing with Chapter 17’s tree protection provisions is delaying their projects and “time is money.” And as usual, the City is considering a “one size fits all” change for all the varied neighborhoods of the City.
    Today’s Town Hall meeting should be interesting.

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