While the crime rate is down 3.2 percent, car break-ins, package thefts, and the occasional violent crime spark ongoing concerns. Crime continues to decline in Coconut Grove, with the overall rate dropping 3.2 percent so far this year, but residents remain wary of ongoing reports of car break-ins, credit card[Read More…]
Mary Ann Esquivel-Gibbs
Pardo: Citizens Committees Should Review Changes to Tree Law
Among a list of suggestions to strengthen Miami’s tree protection ordinance at a community forum Monday, the District 2 commissioner says citizens should have their say.
Crime Down in Coconut Grove but Residents Uneasy over Recent Incidents
Miami Police report a falling crime rate, but community safety concerns persist following a spate of car break-ins, burglaries and a stabbing.
Suspects, Motive Remain Elusive in Kampong Break-In
Intruder leaves $250,000 in damage and unexplained clues; Police and staff puzzled by unusual crime scene.
City Knew for Months of Unsafe Conditions at the Barnyard
City-owned building that houses the popular after-school program was shut down days before the start of school, leaving staff scrambling to find – and fund — temporary housing.