News, Government

Is Grove Garage Gouging Customers?

Despite a 1997 agreement that capped parking rates in perpetuity in exchange for extra building height and density in Center Grove, a McFarlane Road parking garage is facing renewed allegations of exorbitant prices and excessive fees.

Coconut Grove resident Peter Gardner, who purchased Grove Garage in 2014. (Photo from Silver Bluff)
Former Miami District 2 Commissioner Marc Sarnoff says efforts to circumvent an agreement to only charge city-capped parking rates at Grove Garage date back more than 20 years. (Photo from Shutts & Bowen)


  1. this is the kind muckraking journalism I love. and who knows what other “agreements” developers have made with our city that have gone unfulfilled and un-reported. it will be interesting to see if the city can recoup the funds this garage has been overcharging for years.

  2. I am so glad the Spotlight is covering this parking issue. The continuing loss of street parking, the increase in valet reserved spots, and the price gouging and deception by private lot owners will eventually kill off most of what makes our business district special and unique. This issue, as you point out with your reference to Kirk Nielsen’s article in Miami New Times, is why I featured it as one of my “30 Mostly True Stories of Coconut Grove” which Spotlight readers may enjoy, along with 29 other short vignettes of our beloved Grove where anything can and does happen, good and bad.

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