Letters to the Editor

Commissioners must vote against weakening tree ordinance

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  1. After serving on the Miami Planning Zoning and Appeals Board (PZAB)for 8 years and counting, I can still be amazed at some of the “one size fits all” items that come before us for recommendation to the City Commission. The latest involves making the City’s Chapter 17 Tree Preservation ordinance follow the County’s less stringent one.

    City staff, acting upon direction from the City Manager, were recommending the change “to expedite permitting.” Under the County tree ordinance, only protected species such as oaks are required to have a permit for removal, while unprotected species such as avocados, mangos and certain ficus trees can be removed without permit. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees!

    Although three PZAB members, including myself, strenuously objected to the proposed change “without further study,” the vote was 5-3 to follow staff’s recommendation. Now it goes to the City Commission where “expedited permitting” now may be replacing “affordable housing” as the magic words for tweaking Miami 21 Zoning Code in favor of ever more development. “One size fits all” doesn’t work for shoes, nor does it work for neighborhoods.

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