With three public libraries and a large variety of Little Free Libraries close at hand, Spotlight readers are already blessed with access to many free sources of information. However, the Miami-Dade library system now provides readers with even greater access through free online access to The New York Times. Included among your library card’s features through their website or free mobile app is limitless access to the NYT through an access code provided there. Of course, you can always visit the library itself and reach The Times through the library’s WiFi or public computers. Libraries are located at 2875 McFarlane Road, 3255 Plaza Street and 2111 SW 19th Street. And need we mention it, that your always-free subscription to the Spotlight and its excellent search tool is available almost everywhere?
A Grove treasure and gem of Miami-Dade County, Vizcaya Museum and Gardens, is notable for the energy it exhibits in improving our access, experience and understanding of our past and present. They’re asking for our help now as they look for ways to improve their already impressive programs and facilities. This survey of substance will be used to guide the museum staff and your participation is doubly important because of its proximity to your home. Perhaps this survey can be a call to renew your understanding of the always constant yet ever-evolving building, grounds and programs. The free Miami City Trolley can get you there or walk or bike there along the Commodore Trail. Metrorail even devotes a station to serve Vizcaya. Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. 3251 S Miami Avenue. Typically open Wednesday to Monday from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Nominal fee.
Vizcaya Late – Remembrance with Voices of the River of Grass celebrates and honors South Florida’s indigenous peoples through the creations of artisans of Seminole and Miccosukee heritage. A fashion show will be presented. Doors open Friday 1/24 at 6:00 p.m. 3251 South Miami Avenue at Vizcaya Village (north side of South Miami Avenue). Nominal fee tickets with discounts available for early purchases.
125 years of success are celebrated at George Washington Carver Elementary School’s Taste of Carver and Cultural Costume Contest. In addition to the foods, for the first time the public can see the recently unveiled History Wall honoring the many accomplishments of GW Carver’s graduates. Your questions about the event can be answered at [email protected] or WhatsApp text to 561-400-0539. Event happens at 238 Grand Ave. on Friday at 5:30 p.m. Voluntary-donation tickets can be found here.
The Many Faces of Dr. King! — the 31st Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Holiday Production of the Coconut Grove Ecumenical Network — brings culturally relevant talent together at the Sanctuary of the Arts. The moving result celebrates the heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. 136 Frow Avenue. Sunday 1/26 at 2:00 p.m. Free.