Government, News

Eight-Story Center Grove Tower Lacks Final Approval and Permits

A luxury mixed-use project is seeking to build three extra stories above the maximum allowed for the area, but with details still scarce, city officials say the announcement is premature.

David Martin, CEO of Coconut Grove-based Terra Group, is the lead development partner behind The Well Coconut Grove. (Photo from Terra Group).


  1. Here’s hoping our city officials do not allow this developer to break our important zoning laws. If anyone thinks the people purchasing these units are going to take the Metro, we all know that is a technicality that the developer is trying to get away with. The rules are in place to keep our beautiful city intact. The height restrictions should be honored. Tigertail is already under so much traffic and density stress. We have to believe our city leadership cares more about our community than this developer.

  2. If the city is looking to do something good, like incentivize use of mass transit with allowances for height and density, it should ensure that the projects meet the criteria and will result in increased use of mass transit. This project fails in terms of distance to mass transit (being 1 mile away vs 3/4 mile as per city provisions) and more importantly, that the residents of the development are highly unlikely to utilize it. The triggering of the traffic study would almost assuredly show that an additional 200 units on Tigertail would wreak havoc on the street. Even with all of that aside, the complex is out of place for its location, dwarfing the properties abutting it. I’m hoping the city stands firm on this one, as the developer has shown no regard for the city’s approval process by proceeding with the marketing of the property at above height and density.

  3. My god this guy has balls!
    He’s already marketing an 8-story monstrosity – with slick computer renderings – and he doesn’t even have the right to build at this density. He thinks Miami City officials are completely bought and paid for!
    And he might be right: this developer just finished Mr. C which uses EVERY LAST SQUARE INCH of the lot it’s built on – no setbacks and not even enough parking for all the condos he’s built, just because condos are sellable revenue but parking? Not so much. Two people also died on the jobsite, one crushed to death and one who fell from a balcony.
    And even in all that haste I heard from someone who bought there that they weren’t even able to close on time to let the buyers move in when they said they would. Enough of this! Coconut Grove deserves a master city plan with historic designation of our small, special community.

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