Village People, News, Village Life, Work

Bernice Steinbaum: An Art World Pioneer

After a celebrated career in New York and Wynwood, the veteran art dealer known for her commitment to women artists has chosen Coconut Grove for her next act.  

Known for her bold sense of fashion and her commitment to women artists, Bernice Steinbaum was celebrated as a “visionary” woman during Miami Art Week in December. (Photo courtesy of the Bernice Steinbaum Gallery)
Art Dealer Bernice Steinbaum was honored on December 5, 2024 at a breakfast organized in her honor by Pinta Miami art fair. (Photo courtesy of Pinta Miami)


  1. We met Bernice probably 15 years ago while purchasing art for an interior design client. There was much to admire in her collection and we purchased several pieces, one by Carol Prusa. More importantly, we got to know Bernice. She is as you have described her, someone who cares about more than a sale and you sense that when you meet her. Her sense of fashion and her spirit are the things we need more of in this community. How nice to see her featured here and find out what she is up to.

  2. Maggie Silverstein

    Thank you Carlos Frias for recognizing my audacious angel. Once you’re under her wings, you know you’re in an awesome place.

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