News, Government, Work

Live Local Act Sparks Fight in Coral Gate

A supersized, mixed-use project at the site of a struggling Sears store on Coral Way is possible thanks to a new state law that preempts local zoning regulations. Nearby residents say their “jewel” of a neighborhood will never be the same.


  1. “The law was sponsored by Republican State Senator Alexis Calatayud”
    Coral Gate, that’s whom you have to thank for harming your neighborhood.

    If the Florida Legislature were sincere about affordable housing, instead of gifting developers they would not allow housing purchases by foreign buyers, large investment corporations, and short term rentals.

  2. We live in a pro-development City, in a pro-development County, in a pro-development State. And BIG developers making money from BIG developments are in charge of deciding what gets built by being in charge of who gets elected through their PAC’s. There is no doubt that we are in a “housing crisis” and that high-rise apartment buildings should be one of the components to the solution of that crisis–but not the ONLY solution (sorry for the CAPS). Not everyone wants to live in a high-rise apartment, for example, people with kids and pets, or who just like to be able to step outside and go for a walk without getting into an elevator. In addition to high-rises, we also need more 2 and 3 story apartment buildings, and more ADU “Granny Flats.” We need more “Mews” complexes, and more “courtyard” homes, and many other housing types that you can find being built again around the country. We could bring back the Planned Unit Developments (PUD’s) that were tailored to the needs of each community. Unfortunately, our elected officials have been deceived that the “missing middle” in our housing inventory is only about income levels, like “120% or less of area median income.” It should also be about the “missing middle” of housing types. So far, the path of least resistance from any meaningful public input is to build higher and denser and existing neighborhoods be damned. We can do better!

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