Government, News

City Board Clears Plan to Restore Protected Silver Bluff

Developer David Martin will not face administrative fines over widespread damage to the Silver Bluff at his Coconut Grove property.

A section of the Silver Bluff within the Martin property prior to its partial demolition. (Photo from City of Miami)
David Martin, CEO of Terra Group, told a city board that he and his wife “take full responsibility” for damage to the protected Silver Bluff on his waterfront property. (Photo from Terra Group)

One Comment

  1. Elizabeth Balbin Bransgrove

    I just dont understand how our city officials can be so shortsighted when it comes to the destruction of our environment. Not only is it destroying the health of our community, habitats for wildlife, environment – this overbuilding and destruction, including tree canopy, is affecting all of our health. We are stressed to the limits, we are getting more illnesses because of all the chemicals, we are having flooding issues, etc. All to rush development through. Once that tree, bluff, water quality goes away… its not coming back. We are bending over backwards for a small group of people, investors and developers who dont give a rats arse about doing what’s right. And shame on the city officials who are letting this happen.

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