News, Village Life, Work

Last Call for The Last Carrot

The Grove’s oldest continually operating restaurant needs to move to a new location by November 1.

The Last Carrot must leave its storefront location by November 1 to make way for a five-story mixed-use development at the corner of Grand Avenue and Matilda Street. (Patrick Farrell for the Spotlight)
Erin Compton outside The Last Carrot. (Patrick Farrell for the Spotlight)


  1. Anthony Vinciguerra

    The Grove would not be the Grove without the Last Carrot! Hopefully the developer (the Morris Co) recognizes this, and supports them with a good space and reasonable rent. Keeping the unique culture and soul of a community is smarter (and better business) than profits at any cost. 👍🥕💫

  2. Jacqueline Kellogg

    The Last Carrot is the original and authentic non foo foo healthy eating restaurant in Miami. If Erin wants to continue, help her find a way! I wish she ran the lunch program for our public schools.

  3. Long Live The Last Carrot!
    It’s a wonderful place, a Grove institution!

  4. I still miss Revolution Bicycle! Now Taquito is closed. Is this what development brings? Excess wealth is GROTESQUE!

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