Dear Editor: The Spotlight’s recent prediction notwithstanding, the fate of the state-owned Coconut Grove Playhouse, now abandoned for two decades, may remain undecided until the November election. Incumbent Commissioner Raquel Regalado wants the “county plan” for a small local theater. Challenger Cindy Lerner wants a larger, regional theater restoration. Neither[Read More…]
Anthony Parrish
Long Term Cost of Short Term Housing Solution
Dear Editor: Juan Mullerat nails it (Opinion: Tallahassee Delivers a One-Size-Fits All Solution). “One size fits all” doesn’t work for shoes or for housing. While we have a housing crisis of affordability (beware the meaningless term “affordable housing”), it’s a complex crisis with multiple solutions that need to be tailored[Read More…]
Evangelist Contradicts City’s Claim
It’s well worth all Spotlight reader’s time to stroll the length of Charles Avenue aka Evangelist Street. Start at the historic markers at Douglas Road and learn about Macedonia Church and the Charlotte James Cemetery. Proceed to the marker at Plaza Street telling about the historic wood frame houses that used to[Read More…]
Opinion: Is Gentrification Inevitable in Little Bahamas?
No, but there’s no easy fix to slow the displacement of historic residents. Public investment and homeownership are good places to start.
Opinion: The “Missing Middle”
Changing the Miami 21 zoning code could improve housing for middle income residents. Parking requirements could hold the key.
Opinion: Will Grand Avenue ever be Grand again?
A Little Bahamas developer explores why large stretches of Grand Avenue are sometimes described as “The Land that Time Forgot.”
Opinion: Move a Historic Grove Mansion? Why not?
Anthony Parrish examines the alternatives for the historic Villa Serena property now owned by billionaire Ken Griffin.